Boerne Middle School South

Parent Teacher Organization

BYLAWS - Revised 2024



The name of this organization is Boerne Middle School South Parent Teacher Organization (BMSS PTO). This organization is an independent non-profit corporation and is not in any way associated with any other PTO or any other organization whatsoever.


The objectives of the BMSS PTO are:

  1. To promote the welfare of children in the home, school, and
  2. To promote a closer relationship between the home and the school in order that the parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of our children; and
  3. To develop, between educators and the general public, a united effort to secure for all children the highest advantages in academic, physical, and social education.



The following are the basic policies of the BMSS PTO:

  1. The organization shall be noncommercial, nonsectarian, and
  2. The organization shall work with the school to enhance the education of all children through volunteer service, fundraising and other efforts.
  3. No part of the net earnings of the organization shall be distributed to its members officers, or other private persons, except when the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered, and to make payments and distributions in accordance with the approved budget and/or bylaws, and policy and procedure guidelines.
  4. Upon the dissolution of this organizations, after paying or adequately providing for the debt and obligations of the organization, the raining assets shall be distributed to one or more campus organizations which shall, at the time, qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose; and
  5. When money is collected at any PTO sponsored event, two PTO members are required to tally and document monies collected immediately following the


  1. Membership in BMSS PTO shall be made available to any family member or employee of Boerne Middle School South who subscribes to the objectives and basic policies of this organization, without regard to race, color, creed, or national origin.
  2. This PTO shall conduct an annual enrollment of members, but may admit persons to membership at any time.
  3. Annual dues shall be established prior to each school year by the incoming Executive Board.


  1. Each officer shall be a member of this PTO, and a parent, guardian, teacher, or administrator of BMSS.
  2. The officers of this PTO shall consist of a President, Vice President of Parent Involvement, Vice President of Membership, Vice President of Fundraising, Vice President of Staff Appreciation, Secretary and Treasurer.
  3. Nomination Committee: 
    • If necessary, there shall be a Nominating Committee composed of at least three members. The committee may consist of representatives from the Executive Board (see Article V), school staff, and non-board PTO The current President may not serve on this committee.
    • The members of the Nominating Committee shall be chosen by the Executive Board.
    • The Nominating Committee shall nominate an eligible person for each office to be filled and report its nominees in writing to the PTO members at least two weeks prior to the election of officers in April. 
    • Only persons who signified their consent to serve, if elected, may be nominated.
  4. Election of Officers:
    • Officers shall be elected in a general meeting in the month of Officers are subject to approval by the present Executive April. Officers are subject to approval by the present Executive Board and Nominating Committee.
    • The election process shall be by ballot and coordinated by the nominating committee. It shall be the committee’s responsibility to create a ballot, distribute the ballot, tally the votes and announce the results.
    • If all Executive Board are not filled during the April election, the remaining positions shall be voted on during the May meeting.
    • Officers shall assume their duties following the close of the meeting in May and shall serve for a term of one year but not more than three years.
    • No officer shall serve in one office for more than three consecutive terms and/or any other office for more than three consecutive terms. One who has served more than one-half of a term shall be credited with having served term.
    • An officer presently serving on the Executive Board may serve in any other office even if that officer has already served three consecutive terms in one office on the Executive Board.
    • No member may serve more than six consecutive terms on the Executive Board.
    • In the absence of a contested nomination for a board position, the nominated individual shall be considered elected.
  5. Vacancies:
    • A vacancy occurring in any elected office shall be filled for the unexpired term by a person elected by a majority vote of the Executive Board with notice of such election having been given. 
    • If a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the Executive Board may appoint a replacement to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term.
  6. Removal from Office:
    • By two-thirds vote of the Executive Board, an officer or chairperson may be removed from office for failure to perform duties.
    • An officer who misses three consecutive meetings may be removed from the Executive Board.


  1. The President shall:
    • Coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the organization in order that the purposes (see Article II) may be promoted.  
    • Confirm that the quorum of officers is present before conducting any business at any meeting of the organization. 
    • Preside at all meetings of the organization.
    • Call a meeting of the officers for the purpose of selecting standing committee chairpersons.
    • Be a member ex-officio of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
    • Communicate with the Principal or designated administrator prior to and after each meeting. Perform such other duties as may be prescribed in these bylaws or assigned by the organization; and 
    • Be authorized to make debt card purchases and to sign on bank accounts, with two signatures required on all checks over $500.
  2. The Vice President of Parent Involvement shall:
    • Appoint chairpersons of special committees, subject to approval of the Executive Board.
    • Compile a list of volunteers for each committee.
    • Assist committee chairpersons with securing volunteers if needed.
    • Review and reconcile monthly bank statements; and
    • Perform other duties assigned by the President of the organization.
  3. The Vice President of Membership shall:
    • Organize PTO Membership information to be sent home with students during packet distribution.
    • Distribute incoming PTO forms that are returned by parents/staff to Vice President of Parent Involvement.
    • Collect and submit PTO dues to Treasurer.
    • Compile and maintain annual membership list.
    • Review and reconcile monthly bank statements.
    • Perform other duties assigned by the President of the organization.
  1. The Vice President of Sponsorships shall:
    • Manage the fall fundraising campaign held at the beginning of the school year.
    • Coordinate with the VP of Membership on “fence advertising”, ensuring this is part of the initial membership drive and that signs are put up/taken down in a timely fashion.
    • Manage additional fundraising, acting as liaison and delegating responsibility for each fundraiser to subcommittees.
    • Be authorized to make debt card purchases and to sign on bank accounts, with two signatures required on all checks over $50.
    • Perform other duties assigned by the President of the organization.
  2. The Vice President of Staff Appreciation shall:
    • Plan events or gifts throughout the year to support, motivate and show appreciation for staff.
    • Coordinate scheduling of events and gifts with school administration.
    • Manage the Staff Appreciation Committee to encourage volunteer help with events.
    • Perform other duties assigned by the President of the organization.
  3. The Secretary shall:
    • Record the minutes of all meetings of the organization and provide a copy of the minutes to the President within a one-week period after each meeting.
    • Have a current copy of the bylaws and current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised available at all meetings of the organization.
    • Address the minutes of all meetings of the organization and provide copy of minutes to assigned correspondence, to include South’s PTO website within a two-week period.
    • Manage and update all social media accounts for the organization and respond/ monitor comments made on posts. 
    • Monitor the main South PTO email account and respond to messages or forward to appropriate member. 
    • Review and reconcile monthly bank statements; and 
    • Perform other duties assigned by the President of the organization.
  1. The Treasurer shall:
    • Have custody of all the funds and financial records of the organization.
    • Ensure that monies are efficiently collected and accurately accounted for during any sale, fundraiser, or event.
    • Make disbursements as authorized by the Executive Board and in accordance with the budget adopted by the organization.
    • Maintain records, including bank statements, receipts, budgets, invoices and cancelled checks during the term of office and, in conjunction with his/her predecessors and successors, for a period of at least seven years.
    • Present a financial statement at general meeting, Executive Board meeting, and at other times when requested by the organization or Executive Board.
    • Submit books to an auditing committee if requested.
    • Prepare a budget for each fiscal year.
    • Be authorized to make debt card purchases and to sign on bank accounts, with two signatures required on all checks over $500; and
    • Perform other duties as assigned by the President of the organization.
  2. All Officers shall:
    • Perform the duties outlined in these bylaws and those assigned from time to time.
    • Deliver to their successors or the President all official materials within 15 days following the meeting at which their successors assume their duties.
    • Be authorized to sign on bank accounts, with two signatures required on all checks over $500.


  1. The Executive Board shall consist of officers of the organization (see Article V, Section 2).
  2. Duties of the Executive Board shall be to:
    • Attend board meetings and general meetings of the organization.
    • Transact necessary business in the intervals between organization meetings.
    • Create committees and appoint committee chairpersons.
    • Approve the plans of work of all officers and committee chairpersons.
    • Prepare annual goals.
    • Prepare and submit a budget to the membership for adoption at the first meeting of each school year.
    • Approve routine expenditures within limits of the budget; and
    • Fill vacancies of officers and chairpersons.
  3. Meetings:
    • Regular meetings of the Executive Board shall be fixed by the board as deemed necessary.
    • A majority of the Executive Board members shall constitute a quorum; and
    • Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the President or by a majority of the members of the Executive Board, and three days’ notice shall be given. However, the three days’ notice requirement may be waived by unanimous consent.


  1. Only members of the organization shall be eligible to serve in any elected or appointed position.
  2. The Executive Board may create such standing committees as it deems necessary to promote the purposes (see Article II) and carry on the work of the organization. The term of each chairperson shall be one year.
  3. The newly elected President shall call a meeting of the officers for the purpose of selecting standing committee chairpersons. 
  4. The chairperson of each standing committee shall present a plan of work to the Executive Board for No committee work shall be undertaken without the consent of the Executive Board. Said plan should be made public to all committee volunteers (see Article VI, section 2B). 
  5. The President shall have the power to appoint special committees subject to the approval of the Executive Board. 
  6. The President shall be a member ex-officio of all committees except the Nominating Committee.


  1. Regular meetings of the organization shall be held for the purpose of informing the membership of plans and purposes of the organization at least two times throughout the year. Time and date will be established by the Executive Board.
  2. Notice of regular meeting shall be given at least three days in advance.
  3. Special meetings of the organization may be called by the President, principal, or by a majority of the Executive Board, and three days’ notice shall be given.
  4. A quorum is established when a simple majority of Executive Board members are present at a meeting.
  5. All members have the right to A motion can be passed by a majority vote of the members present.
  6. The Executive Board may choose to conduct any vote online. An email must be sent to all members and 48 hours given to cast votes in order to allow for any questions to be answered or clarifications to be A motion can be passed by a majority vote of the members choosing to submit a response online.


The fiscal year of this organization shall be July 1 and end June 30.




The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and special rules of order the organization may adopt.


  1. The Executive Board shall have power to disburse funds in accordance with the adopted budget.
  2. Disbursement of funds not specifically allocated in the budget may be approved by a quorum of the Executive Board, not to exceed $500 per item.
  3. Disbursement of funds exceeding $500 per item must be presented to the general membership for approval.


  1. These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the organization provided a quorum is present, by two-thirds vote of the members present and voting. Notice of the proposed amendment shall have been given at least five days prior to voting and time allowed for discussion before a vote is taken.
  2. A committee may be appointed to submit a revised set of bylaws as substitute for the existing bylaws only by a majority vote at a meeting of the organization or by two-thirds vote of the Executive The requirement for adoption of a revised set of bylaws shall be the same as in the case of amendment.


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Image number 2 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 3 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 4 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 5 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 6 in a rotating selection of images.

Image number 1 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 2 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 3 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 4 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 5 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 6 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 7 in a rotating selection of images.